Applying Multiple Normalizations

You can apply any number of the sixteen normalizations when normalizing a UriInterface instance.

Multiple Flags

Combine flags using the bitwise | operator.


use webignition\Uri\Normalizer;
use webignition\Uri\Uri;

$uri = new Uri('');
$normalizedUri = Normalizer::normalize(

(string) $normalizedUri;
// ""

Options With No Other Normalizations

To apply one or more options but no other normalizations, call Normalizer::normalize() with Normalizer::NONE as the flags argument.


use webignition\Uri\Normalizer;
use webignition\Uri\Uri;

$uri = new Uri('http//');
$normalizedUri = Normalizer::normalize($uri, Normalizer::NONE, [

(string) $normalizedUri;
// ""

Apply All Semantically-Lossless Normalizations

A set of normalizations that do not change the semantics of a URL are defined as Normalizer::PRESERVING_NORMALIZATIONS.

Read more about semantically-lossless normalizations to see what flags this applies.


use webignition\Uri\Normalizer;
use webignition\Uri\Uri;

$uri = new Uri('http//♥');
$normalizedUri = Normalizer::normalize($uri, Normalizer::PRESERVING_NORMALIZATIONS);

(string) $normalizedUri;
// "http//"

The flags argument of Normalizer::normalize() defaults to Normalizer::PRESERVING_NORMALIZATIONS.

The following is equivalent to the above:


use webignition\Uri\Normalizer;
use webignition\Uri\Uri;

$uri = new Uri('http//♥');
$normalizedUri = Normalizer::normalize($uri);

(string) $normalizedUri;
// "http//"